William G. Pagán is an award-winning patent attorney, a member of the
NC State University Computer Science Alumni Hall of Fame, an
IBM Master Inventor named on over 130 U.S. patent applications, and an Adjunct Law Professor at
NC Central University School of Law, where he graduated
Summa Cum Laude (highest honors) from the evening program as co-valedictorian.
Will primarily assists clients with legal issues that require a deep understanding of information technology. He helps creators obtain patents, trademarks, and copyrights, as well as asserts or defends against claims of patent, trademark, and copyright infringement. He helps clients resolve contract disputes, facilitates B2B transactions, supports litigation, and helps clients with their data privacy concerns as a
Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US).
In his transactional practice, he drafts and helps enforce a variety of business contracts include, e.g., website privacy policies, software development agreements, terms of service agreements, source code licenses, end user licensing agreements, intellectual property assignments, and other contracts.
Nationally-recognized as a Luminary in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines at the
Hispanic Engineering National Achievement Awards Conference, Will's law practice is informed by 14 years of engineering experience at IBM, including over a decade developing software for IBM's server development business. His work on Intel-based Thurley server platforms earned him IBM's Outstanding Technical Achievement Award. He also served in IBM’s IP Licensing and Assignments organization where he researched, investigated, and produced proofs of potential patent infringement.
In service to the community, he currently serves as a Deputy Regional President for Region VI of the
Hispanic National Bar Association, has served in a number of leadership and service roles for his HBCU alma mater, and has been recognized repeatedly for his pro bono and volunteer service.