Welcome Attorney Bennett C. David

Coats & Bennett, PLLC is proud to welcome its newest associate, Patent Attorney Bennett C. David. Licensed to practice at the USPTO since 2016, Bennett holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University, a Masters of Business Administration from Suffolk School of Management, and a law degree from Suffolk University Law

Serving Foreign IP Scoundrels Electronically

An increasing problem for copyright and trademark owners are infringers in foreign countries who use Amazon and other services to sell infringing products online in the United States.  Although a complaint under the service’s intellectual property policy may cause the service to temporarily suspend the offending account, Amazon will not typically terminate an account until

Influenced or illegal?

No artist lives in a vacuum. All artists learn their art from the works and artists that preceded them. Painters study countless styles and techniques. Filmmakers track the shots, lighting and dialogue of older movies. And musicians develop their talents and tastes as they absorb various rhythms, melodies and arrangements. In the art world, all