No longer are counterfeit goods only sold by street vendors in busy marketplaces. The Internet has led to a surge of counterfeit goods being sold online, presenting challenges for brand owners. Online sales continue to play a growing role in the distribution of counterfeit products, and counterfeiters find sophisticated deception tactics to dupe both unsuspecting and vigilant buyers. When facing counterfeit issues, business owners need to take rapid and decisive legal action to protect their brand. Coats & Bennett, PLLC, provides legal avenues for entrepreneurs and established businesses to protect their brand identity from counterfeiters.
Counterfeiting involves the unlawful production or sale of a trademarked or patented item designed to deceive buyers into believing they are purchasing a genuine item and not an imitation. Counterfeiters seek to prey upon brand loyalty while undermining a business’s goodwill. The proliferation of online counterfeiting threatens the continued success of a business’s brand identity, but online merchants frequently turn a blind eye to third-party sellers who market pirated goods so long as they profit from the sale. Businesses can use intellectual property protections to combat online counterfeiting. Anti-counterfeiting measures involve stopping the production and distribution of counterfeited assets, seizing pirated goods and seeking damages.
At Coats & Bennett, PLLC, we have decades of intellectual property litigation experience and well-established relationships with law enforcement and customs agencies nationally and around the world. The firm’s anti-counterfeiting efforts have resulted in favorable financial settlements for our clients.
Let us help you take action against those who knowingly manufacture, market or distribute counterfeit products. Arrange a consultation by completing our online form or call 800-575-1278.
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1400 Crescent Green
Suite 300
Cary, North Carolina 27518
1400 Crescent Green
Suite 300
Cary, North Carolina 27518